Be Kind To Yuki Club

Members Information: 
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Simple. Just email with the following details (which will be put up in the list of members section)

Name:  Fong Chen
Favorite Laruku member:  Yukki, then Sakura,
Why are you joining this club? i love yukki~
Random comments: 1)yukihiro is the living proof that even SKINNY PEOPLE CAN KICK ASS! (no, he's not too skinny, he's BUFF!!) 
2)loved yukki's smile, hair, sense of fashion, the way he mumbles when he talks... but he finally became my fav. laruku member (it took a lot to beat out sakura) after reading about his personality  (so cute...)

Name:  elime
Favorite Laruku member:  I like Laruku the way they are now -- Yukkie too!! Soooo kakkoii!! 
Why are you joining this club? Because I love Yukki and I've been driven over the edge by flames.
Random comments: I love Laruku now and forever!! 
(Tetchan if you read this I luv you!!) 
(Yukkie if you read this i luv you too!!) 
(Haido and Ken....^^....ok I luv you all!!) 

Name:  Mufurc 
Favorite Laruku member:  Tetsu! *dreamy eyes, drool, faint* 
Why are you joining this club? Because I think Yuki is GREAT. ^_^ 
Random comments: I know it's been said before, but... I'm sick of people praising Sakura all the time and kicking Yuki without any GOOD reasons, just because he's Sakura's "replacement"... feh. Yuki is an EXCELLENT drummer (much better than Sakura, IMHO), he works very much, and he really puts his heart into it. Alright, so he's no Hyde where looks are concerned. So what? 

Name:  Pai 
Favorite Laruku member:  Hyde, then Tet-chan ^^ 
Why are you joining this club? Yuki is Special too!! I luv him too!! I luv all members of L'Arc!! 
Random comments: I luv L'Arc~en~Ciel, they make good music, i worship L'Arc!!!! ^^;; 

Name:  Sabina Saraswati
Favorite Laruku member:  TETSU!!!
Why are you joining this club? Because I really want to learn more about L'Arc-en-Ciel and want to be related in their fans world. I love their music and their style and I hope one day I can see their concert here in Indonesia.
Random comments: Yukihiro is a talented musician, and I thing he's been
creating wonderfull musics in Laruku's album all this time.

Name:  Awaji Takako
Favorite Laruku member:  My talented and cute Yukkie~~~~
Why are you joining this club? Bcoz I LOVE YUKKIE~~~~~~~4EVER~~~~~~~
Random comments: I really hope that all Laruku Fans can gather to support all they 4....dun flame on any 1 of them... For the YukkieLovers, I hope all of U can support him wiz all ur hearts and souls~~~~again, 4EVER~~~~

Name:  Orawimon
Favorite Laruku member:  Ken
Why are you joining this club? Because I like Yukihiro very much
Random comments: I think Yuki is one of the most talented dummers that I have known. and I think he is cute too. I don't understand why some of Laruku fans dislike him. and think a lot of badthings to him. If Laruku don't have Yuki now! HOw can the laruku survive and how can Laruku arebeing famous right now? I think Yuki is one important part of Laruku.
He is as important as Ken, Hyde and Tetsu. No Yuki No Lauruku

Name:  Aki hyde
Favorite Laruku member:  hyde forever!
Why are you joining this club? Yukihiro , is the best drummer I've ever known ! Somtimes I found out that he's cute ne ^^

Name:  Trina
Favorite Laruku member:  Hyde and Yukihiro
Why are you joining this club? For one, i think Yuki is the most under exposed member of the band coz he's new.  i think he's great and has great arms!!! very manly!  i also would like to let everyone know that even if Yuki seems to be the silent, aloof one, he still has many followers.
Random comments: He has a cute personality, a cute smile, he's cute, his drums is great.. ... He's like a Doraemon! ^__^

Name:  asuka_sohryu
Homepage: (under heavy construction!!!)
Favorite Laruku member:  i love them all!!! they are all so kawaii! hehehe... -_-; oh boy...
Why are you joining this club? because yukkie needs us to protect him, and show him how much he is loved! he is a damn good drumer! no one needs to be dissing him! he's cute to!
Random comments: i love laruku! i've only known of them for about a month and i have gone crazy for them! i have almost all of their mp3s and i'm trying to get imported cds so i can have them with me everywhere i go! ;) they have come to dominate my mp3 list and i have spread my love of laruku to all of my friends who i will soon get to join the list! yukkie should be protected! no one needs to be flameing him! ^-^v
Name:  Haruka
Favorite Laruku member:  all
Why are you joining this club? Because I absolutely don't agree/cannot stand people keep saying
Yukihiro sucks and always judging his look. He is talented and cool, I respect him.
Thank you very much.

Name:  fish 
Favorite Laruku member:  Yukihiro (I'm not lying...)
Why are you joining this club? Coz I love Yukihiro!!
Name:  Kaoru no Miko
Favorite Laruku member:  Yukihiro-sama, of course. (Pieces video.. WAI! Yuki-sama! *.*)
Why are you joining this club? For one, Yukihiro-sama is one of my favourite drummers. (The others being Yuji and our late Kami.. ::Sob::) Two, just because he's not Sakura, people find every reason to bash him. (Sakura wasn't that great, anyway..) Yukihiro is actually MUCH better than Sakura in terms of skill, and his setup is better, too... I would go so far as to say he's one of the top three drummers in Japan. Three, he's so kawaii, how can you resist those bright, pretty eyes?! *.* And when he hurt his arm, his Everything about him.. Sooo cute.. And in the Pieces video, waaah.. Yukihiro-sama standing in the rain in his black jacket! ::Melts, oozes into her conveniently located mold, and resolidifies:: Bother. Where was I..? Oh, yes.. His remixes.. I find them really neat and interesting, and I like them! They make cool listening staples. ^^ Whoever says they suck, all I have to say you is >P
Random comments: Those of you who think Yukihiro-sama sucks, go watch GCT again, you fools. If you still think he sucks, you can go promptly jump off a bridge. >P ::Huggles Yukihiro plushie:: ^^ Yuki-sama, please grow your hair nice and long so I can brush it out for you.. ::Melts again::
Name:  kay braza
Favorite Laruku member:  i love hyde and ken(yuki too^-^)
Why are you joining this club? i'm joining the club because i adore yuki. i even made a list called"reasons why we should absolutely adore yukihiro".there are a lot of great reasons, you better believe it!
Random comments: can't believe all the stuff they're accusing yuki of! why, even sakura san will be shocked.this is a really nice site, thanks for putting it up hidoko chan. trina was the one who told all about it. i think its organized pretty well too^-^

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